Event Management is a scientific art, because both science and art are combined intelligently to execute events. Planning is the only key for any successful event. The events include government or private gatherings. Event management is a process in which many steps are involved, starting from concept development, location, number of participants, budget available, logistics needed, time management and post event evaluation. The most important role in event management is of event manager. His job starts when a concept of an event comes in the mind of the client. The manager’s job can be divided in four main parts; pre event, on the site and post event analysis. Initially he has to define the goals of event as per requirement of the client to achieve the desired objectives. Second job of an event manager is to coordinate with all those who have participate in logistic and entertainment requirements of the event. Third he has to supervise all activities and working staff and lastly post event evaluation based on feedback. As fastest growing business hub of Middle East, Dubai is the place of attraction for all multinational and national industries. Every day in Dubai is the business day and every night is the festival night. Hundreds of events are arranged in Dubai every month, to manage those events a large number of event management agencies, event management organizations, event planning companies and events management companies are working day and night to serve the clients.
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